The third installment in the series of figures based on illustrations by popular illustrators with “older girlfriend x younger girlfriend” as the theme, Toshishita Kanojo, also known as Younger Girlfriend, is now available in 1/6th...
From the hit cosplay anime My Dress Up Darling comes an all-new 1/7th scale figure featuring the show’s protagonist, the charming Marin Kitagawa, in a cute and sexy babydoll outfit! This sensual lingerie-type outfit is...
From the charming and homey anime classic Spice and Wolf comes a brand-new figure of Holo, this time donning a breathtaking and captivating yukata! This incredibly intricate and heart-stopping 1/7th scale figure showcases a slyly...
The best way to maintain a low profile as a spy is, of course, to act as naturally as possible, doing nothing particularly interesting or exciting to attract attention to yourself. What better way to...
À travers le temps et l'espace, une voix magnifique résonne dans l'univers : une déesse apparaît, la muse de la création, prenant une forme familière. Conçue par le célèbre illustrateur Yoneyama Mai , cette superbe...
En contemplant avec envie le coucher du soleil, il est important de se souvenir de ses propres voyages et des personnes que l'on a rencontrées en chemin. Désormais, l'incarnation même de cette scène mémorable peut...