Avis important :

Actuellement, nous estimons à quelques semaines de retards chroniques par rapport aux dates de sortie officielles au Japon en raison de perturbations logistiques internationales telles que la perturbation de la route commerciale autour du canal de Suez, la difficulté de la route aérienne due à la guerre russo-ukrainienne.

Tout retard de sortie spécifique (causé par des raisons liées à un produit individuel) sera publié ci-dessous.

Shipment delays update

Staff GSC

Our new warehouse is working well now, however we are still facing international logistic disruptions such as the trade route disruption around the Suez Canal , high demands of air transportation and/or difficulties with Russian-related routes, congestion of...

Release Date Changes for October 2024 Products

Staff GSC

This notice is to inform you that due to adjustments in our manufacturing schedule, the release dates for the following products have been delayed.We apologize for any inconvenience these delays may cause and hope for...

Release Date Changes for September 2024 Products

Staff GSC

This notice is to inform you that due to adjustments in our manufacturing schedule, the release dates for the following products have been delayed.We apologize for any inconvenience these delays may cause and hope for...