Across time and space, a beautiful voice echoes through the universe: a goddess appears, the muse of creation, taking on a familiar form. Designed by famed illustrator Yoneyama Mai, this stunning 1/6th scale figure showcases the...
With a beautiful mix of modern and traditional, the iconic vocaloid Hatsune Miku takes on an all-new design, this time in a breathtakingly elegant kimono and an incredibly artsy stance in her Hatsune Miku: Beauty Looking...
Much like her colder, more wintery Snow Miku persona, Racing Miku also graces the figure world with a different design and themes every year to represent the world of Good Smile Racing, and this year...
The air is turning crisp, the weather is warming up, and the flowers are beginning to bloom--and what better way to ring in the spring than with cherry blossoms! Hanami, a springtime tradition in Japan,...
From Good Smile Arts Shanghai comes a 1/7th scale figure of iconic Vocaloid Hatsune Miku, dressed in an elegant and regal Chinese dress while gracefully playing a traditional Chinese instrument, the pipa. This extraordinary figure...
The holiday season is around the corner, and what better way to ring in the cold than with a re-release of the incredibly popular and iconic Snow Miku 1/4th scale figure from FREEing! Standing at an...