Shop Operations & Contact

Q. Do you have live chat support?


Unfortunately, we do not have any live chat support services at this moment.

Q. I have a question about GOOD SMILE ONLINE SHOP.


The global online shop ( is operated by Good Smile Company, and this online shop is operated by Good Smile Europe.

Therefore we cannot provide any support about Good Smile Online Shop from our side, so please contact to Good Smile Company via their support site.

Q. What are the available languages?


When possible, communication in English is preferred; however, we can accept German and French.

Other languages may be accepted in some cases; however, they will take longer days and might cause communication errors.

Q. What are the available payment methods?


At this moment, we accept payment via PayPal. As long as you have eligible PayPal account, you can choose payment methods via their service, such as credit cards and bank transfer.

Q. I have a defective product.


Regarding issues about products, please ask to Good Smile Company's customer support here:

Even if you purchased from our Online Shop, inquires about delivered products (except of cancels which ruled in the Refund Policy) will be handled by Good Smile Company's customer support.

When you submit the form, please prepare purchasing evidences (such as confirmation e-mail and/or invoice), then your case will be handled as same as other official online shops.


Q. I can't login to my account when try to make a payment for my preorder.


As we do not have your account information at the pre-order moment, we are afraid that you have not registered yet. In case you do not receive any email when you tried "Forgot Your Password" action and it is the first order, then you seem not to have not registered. When you sign-up your account and re-open the payment link, you can proceed with it.

Q. Can I delete my account on GSEOS?


Please contact us via the form.

Preorders & Orders

Q. How my preorders works?

A (for preorders which started AFTER 22nd May 2024).

  1. You will need to login to your account to place your preorder.
  2. When you click "Pre-order", the payment screen with your shipping credentials and payment information will appear. Pre-orders will need to be paid for upfront. The additional costs  (such as VAT and/or shipping costs) will be included in this payment procedure. When you complete the payment, you will receive a confirmation email.
  3. When the product is ready at the factory (mainly China, sometimes Japan or other country), you may receive a reminder email. Whether the notification is sent or not depends on the logistics status, the lengths from preorder period, or other situations.
  4. When the product arrives at our facility, it will be dispatched as soon as possible. You will receive a tracking number.

A (for preorders which started BEFORE 21st May 2024).

  1. When you click "Pre-order" and submit your required credentials, we receive your pre-order and put your quantity into our production queue. You will not pay anything at this time, and actual additional costs, such as shipping costs or VAT, do not appear. At this moment, as your pre-orders are not listed on your account, please be careful to keep pre-order confirmation email.
  2. Once the product is ready, you will receive a notification email with payment instructions. You can find additional costs (such as VAT and/or shipping costs) through the process instructed.
  3. When you complete credential submitting and payment process, then we place your order into the shipment queue. It will be shipped within a couple of business days.
  4. The deadline for the payment procedure is generally 2 weeks. If you missed the deadline, your pre-ordered item will be returned to our inventory and will not be kept anymore. After that time, any customer (including you) can purchase from our inventory.

Q. When is the product ready?


Please refer to 'Specification' section in each products' page.

In case the delivery is delayed or moved forward from estimated, we will inform at Information.

Q. Can I check preorders I placed?

A (for preorders which started AFTER 22nd May 2024).

Your orders can be checked from your account page, including preorders and inventory-sales orders.

A (for preorders which started BEFORE 21st May 2024).

As described above, currently you cannot find your pre-orders on your account page, so we strongly recommend you to keep the confirmation e-mail.

Instead, you may find a link in the confirmation e-mail or from here, you can access pre-order portal page. After 2-step authentication with your email address that which registered at the pre-order, you can find your pre-orders on the portal.

Q. Can I get preorder bonuses?


Generally you will receive bonuses as same as announced on the global online shop ( for pre-order products unless specified otherwise.

If you purchase from our inventory (not pre-ordered), we do not guarantee about bonus items. We may include them if we have enough numbers in our inventory, however we may run short of them in same cases.

Q. Can multiple preorders (and/or inventory sales) combined at shipment?

A (for preorders which started AFTER 22nd May 2024).

You may be able to do so using your cart, to place preorders. However, we cannot guarantee that you can do so without problems because this feature is not formally supported in the system.

In addition, please be informed that the combined preorder will be shipped when the LAST PRODUCT IS AVAILABLE. In other words, putting some preorder items in a single preorder may cause unnecessary delays for some products; therefore, we suggest you NOT TO combine preorders.

A (for preorders which started BEFORE 21st May 2024).

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that we can combine multiple pre-ordered products. We feel sorry about your inconvenience.

However, you may be able to combine your orders in the following way:

  1. Open your preorder portal from here
  2. You will find all of your preorders your portal.
  3. For the goods that are ready for shipment, you can find links "Payment links sent", instead of the text "Payment links sent? no".
  4. When you click the link "Payment links sent", then the product will be in your cart.
  5. Then go back to the portal and click another product's link "Payment links sent", then that product will be in your cart too.
  6. Once you put all products in your cart, you click "Check Out" then you can purchase them together.

Even with this operation, we suggest that you NOT combine pre-ordered items and in-stock items. We have some campaigns and bonus items which check "in-stock sales" or "pre-order", we might not be able to process your order correctly if you combine products from both conditions. This means that you may miss your bonuses, discounts, and/or other promotions.

Q. Some products seem to be in stock, but the system says "unavailable".


Once the products are ready in our inventory, the inventory quantity has been updated.

Then, we will keep them for pre-ordered customers for the payment procedure period. After the period (as described above, generally 2 weeks), those products will be ready for usual sales. If you want those "unavailable" products, we suggest you check them later (with Wishlist feature) and then you will be able to purchase.

Payment & Shipment

Q. Where is the service area?


Our service areas are as follows;
  • EU countries
  • UK
  • non-EU European countries, including Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Vatican City. Some Balkan countries, Belarus, Russia and Ukraine are not available currently.
  • Some Middle East & African countries, including the UAE, South Africa, and Egypt. However, for those countries, we cannot guarantee that our products can be legally imported, so you have to manage the custom clearance. Additionally, a higher shipping rate than European countries will be applied. Our policies, terms and conditions are not changed from European market (as described on our site), so any regulations in those countries will not be applied.

You can check via checkout screen whether your country/region is in our sales area, or please contact us if you have questions about your location.

We cannot sell to any country other than EMEA countries (such as the USA) due to license agreements.

Q. Shall I pay importing costs?


Generally, the place of shipment is Luxembourg or Netherlands, and we may ship from other EU countries in rare cases.
  1. If you are in EU residence, you will not owe to pay any importing costs, according to the EUCU.
  2. If you are non-EU European residence (such as UK, Switzerland, or Norway) or ME&A countries residence, you may owe to pay importing fees. We will ship with usual and duly way, so it depends on custom-house of your country.

Q. How is the shipping costs?


The shipping cost is charged at Check Out.

The rate may vary for your location and physical volumes. You can find the final shipping cost at the check out process.

Q. Shall I pay VAT?


Yes. VAT is calculated at Checkout, based on your residence country. 

The reference price including VAT(20%) is shown below the acutual price, however it may changed through the check-out process due to shipping cost and/or other items.

As described above, you will pay at import custom clearance instead of at check-out (via the courier service) if you are non-EU European residence.

Q. What kind of payment methods are available?


Currently we are using PayPal payments on our shop. You can use your PayPal account (including your PayPal credit), or just using your credit cards as guest.

Q. My order is not shown on my order list even though I have completed the payment.


It is considered a transaction error. If you ask us via the contact form, we will check the status.
However, as long as your order is not shown on the order list, we have not received your order generally speaking. In that case, we cannot do anything on our own, so asking your card issuer or PayPal may help you more effectively than asking us.

Q. My parcel seems to be sent to wrong city.


Due to constraints of courier's tracking system, we know some shipping destination do not appear correctly. In those cases, the destination may be displayed as relaying locations, tentative destinations, or representative cities in your region.

As our shipping instructions are generated automatically based on shipping information you submitted, your parcel will be sent correctly regardless to "Destination" city on the tracking system.

Q. When my goods will be shipped?


Generally speaking, we will ship your order within a couple of business days from your completion of order & payment procedures. You will receive a tracking number(s) within an another couple of business days from the shipment.

Please be informed that our business may be affected by holidays which is not applied in your country / regions.