The fourth installment of the Older Girlfriend x Younger Girlfriend series of figures, a brand new figure showcasing a casual, intimate date with your fashionable and charming younger girlfriend is here! Based on the illustration...
The third installment in the series of figures based on illustrations by popular illustrators with “older girlfriend x younger girlfriend” as the theme, Toshishita Kanojo, also known as Younger Girlfriend, is now available in 1/6th...
From the hit cosplay anime My Dress Up Darling comes an all-new 1/7th scale figure featuring the show’s protagonist, the charming Marin Kitagawa, in a cute and sexy babydoll outfit! This sensual lingerie-type outfit is...
From the charming and homey anime classic Spice and Wolf comes a brand-new figure of Holo, this time donning a breathtaking and captivating yukata! This incredibly intricate and heart-stopping 1/7th scale figure showcases a slyly...
The best way to maintain a low profile as a spy is, of course, to act as naturally as possible, doing nothing particularly interesting or exciting to attract attention to yourself. What better way to...
Across time and space, a beautiful voice echoes through the universe: a goddess appears, the muse of creation, taking on a familiar form. Designed by famed illustrator Yoneyama Mai, this stunning 1/6th scale figure showcases the...