Awakened after a long slumber, the legendary successor to the Divine Dragon Alear has finally arrived not just on the continent of Elyos, but in the real world as well, with an all-new scale figure from Fire Emblem developers INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS! This 1/7th scale figure featuring the protagonist of Fire Emblem: Engage is ready to stand off against the evil dragon looking to destroy the world!

Standing boldly with her sword in hand, Alear's stance captures the character's personality perfectly, highlighting the brave and heroic attributes that are seen throughout the game. In addition to her personality shining through her sculpting, the attention to detail is also immaculate, adding an entirely new atmosphere to the figure.

Among these details are the way her cloak and hair seem to flow outwards, making it seem like a strong wind is blowing from behind Alear. But it isn't just the way this flow is sculpted, but also the attention to individual parts of the figure and the way they react to it, with careful attention being given to each strand of Alear's dual-colored hair and even the folds and design of her cloak with it.

The coloring is also absolutely breathtaking, which is a must for a figure of Alear. Her red-and-blue hair immediately pops, making her recognizable from nearly anywhere, and coupled with the bright color and tones of her outfit make the figure both incredibly appealing to look at while staying true to her character design. Different textures and paint styles are used throughout as well, giving the appearance of metal across her armor and weapons and a cloth-like appearance to the rest of her outfit.

Her intense gaze and dual-colored eyes pair perfectly with the rest of her appearance and hair as well, and her signature sword radiates a powerful aura with the way it's extended forward. The figure also comes with a realistic, grassy plain base with added detail in the small rocks at the base of her feet, immersing any collector with even individual blades of grass and moss on the rocks to complete it.

This gorgeous figure of Alear, which is based off of an illustration by illustrator Mika Pikazo, is available for pre-order now until May 1st, 2024! Let her guide you by adding this brave hero to your collection, perfect for posing by herself or with other figures in the Fire Emblem series! Release is scheduled for February 2025.

Written by Staff GSC

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