In the world of anime, BEASTARS has gained a powerful reputation and has solidified itself as a cult classic with fans all around the globe. Now, with POP UP PARADE's latest additions to their ever-expanding lineup of figures, fans can take home scale figures of both Legoshi the wolf and Louis the deer!

Legoshi, the enigmatic gray wolf, is captured in an incredible and mysterious pose, his hand over his face and a stride as he walks forward. He wears his signature overalls and uniform, glancing backward in a way that highlights his cool, collected nature.

The figure’s detail, as always with POP UP PARADE, is on another level. Legoshi's fur texture is sculpted with incredible precision, giving it a lifelike appearance as if it could be actual fur. The gradation of the color, transitioning from dark to light in different areas, adds depth and authenticity to the figure as well, as if it was pulled straight out of a scene in the anime. The gentle expression on his face is captured as well, showcasing the complexity of his character and personality.

One of the standout features of this figure is the meticulous attention to detail on Legoshi's paws and clothing. Each individual fold in his hands is carefully sculpted, and his claws are sharp and defined. Much like the fur on his body and even his outfit, they look lifelike and match perfectly with the unique style of art used in the show. The intricate patterns across his tufts of fur and the subtle shading on his clothing, in addition to the way they fold like they would in real life, complete the figure.

Moving on to Louis, the charismatic red deer who stands as a symbol of strength and ambition in BEASTARS. His charm and confident personality are captured in his figure as well, with his head held high as he smiles with his hand in his pocket.

Just like his demeanor in the show, Louis is captured exuding an air of regal authority. The figure captures his confident and poised demeanor flawlessly, and his bright uniform and upright stance match this. His antlers are a remarkable feat of craftsmanship, with intricate detailing that showcases his overall grandeur, much like in the Legoshi figure.

The detail on Louis's clothing is also incredibly well-sculpted. Every fold, crease, and button is crafted with precision, the school uniform looking as if he had been pulled right out of a scene with Louis as well. His expressive eyes convey a sense of determination, while the faint hint of a smile on his lips adds a touch of intrigue. The subtle gradation in his fur texture further enhances the figure's realism, although with a shorter and more controlled appearance than that of Legoshi’s.

Similar to Legoshi’s pose, Louis is walking forward, only with a more commanding air about him. The two figures are modeled in such a way that they can be displayed beautifully on their own, or with any other figure a collector might. Although, with the two releasing side-by-side, displaying them together might just capture the same essence viewers have come to love in the show itself!

POP UP PARADE has once again proven its expertise in the world of figure manufacturing with these Legoshi and Louis scale figurines, which are not only true to the show but also to fans’ expectations. Whether you're a die-hard BEASTARS fan or simply appreciate the artistry behind figures, these two pieces are a must-have addition to your collection.

Pre-orders for both figures are up now until October 25th, 2023, with an expected release date of January 2024. Legoshi can be purchased by clicking here, and Louis can be purchased by clicking here.

Get the pair while you can and recreate the scenes of Cherryton Academy!

Written by Staff GSC

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beastarsLegoshiLouisPop Up Parade

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