To commemorate the 5th anniversary of the hit Nintendo Switch Game Fire Emblem: Three Houses comes an all-new POP UP PARADE figure of the protagonist, Byleth (Female)! This stunning rendition of the professor is the...
From the hit fantasy anime Dungeon Meishi comes an all-new figure of Falin the chimera! But this isn't just your ordinary, every-day figure, because this exclusive new addition in the POP UP PARADE series is...
From NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD comes an all-new POP UP PARADE figure of everyone's favorite up-and-coming streamer, OMGKawaiiAngel! That's not all, though: this figure is being released in an even bigger L size! With her characteristic charm...
From the legendary, award-winning video game Nier: Automata by Square Enix comes not one, but two all-new figures of 2B and 9S in the POP UP PARADE series! These two androids have been long awaited in the...
With the power of the spirals, a new figure arrives in the POP UP PARADE lineup: Nia Tepplin, from the cult-classic anime series Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann! This colorful figure captures Nia's colorful, cheerful, and...
Get into your best dress clothes and prepare for an elegant night of sound and beauty: Schwi and Shiro from the series No Game No Life join the POP UP PARADE line of figures, this...