From the massively popular studio Trigger anime based off the the hit game Cyberpunk 2077 comes not one, not two, but three all-new figures in the POP UP PARADE series: David, Lucy, and Rebecca! Just...
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, the classic anime and manga series that brought the world of mafia and magical flames to life, gets reborn itself with an all-new POP UP PARADE figure of Tsunayoshi Sawada, the 10th...
In the world of anime, BEASTARS has gained a powerful reputation and has solidified itself as a cult classic with fans all around the globe. Now, with POP UP PARADE's latest additions to their ever-expanding...
Samurai Champloo is a classic, universally beloved series that’s reached cult classic levels of recognition since its initial release in 2004. Featuring an iconic soundtrack, captivating historical Japanese setting, and smooth, memorable animation, the series...